Data processing
Accueil > Our expertise > Data processing
Birdz designs its SaaS software for the smart water and waste markets, for example, and partners with the best SaaS platform providers to offer its customers the most relevant solutions for their sectors.
Integrating turnkey IoT solutions
Capturing a mass of data is one thing, but selecting the relevant data and analysing them into actionable information for a user is another.
To support them in adopting pro-environmental policies and approaches, users need comprehensive heterogeneous data to be synthesised into clear decision-making information. These data enable them to take concrete action to optimise their activities or to correct malfunctions quickly and accurately. As a key player in decision support systems, the software publisher enables simplified retrieval and intelligible presentation of information. This fundamental step enables use of the data and allows customers to quickly activate decision-making levers because they receive the right amount of information on their activity in real time.
Transforming information into management tools
Are you a software publisher or a system integrator and do you identify with the Birdz environmental commitment? Are you an expert in the design of practical and synthetic digital dashboards? Do you think, as we do, that the community and the planet have everything to gain by bringing together the most experienced actors in the same value chain to support the digital transformation of local areas? Feel free to contact us, so we can work together to create solutions adapted to the very real problems of our clients.
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